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Tesla Inverter
Tesla Roof Panels
3 Types of Tesla Roof Panels

Tesla Roof System

The Tesla Solar Roof System V3 is another way to Produce Energy from the Sun. The Roof Solar System is a more Monolithic look compared to Just Panels Mounted Unbalanced and not always touching.

When comparing a Tesla Roof to Traditional Solar Panels the Cost per Kilowatt Production could be as much as Double. Providing Actual Dollar Differences is almost impossible, if your Serious get Estimates.

If your are planning to replace your Existing Roof and Plan on Solar, that does help justify the Cost of the Tesla Roof System.


The Tesla Roof System does Provide Warranties for Wind up to 140 mph and Hail was tested at 1 3/4" and as for Production, based on Original Production Values 95% up to 5 years and 85% for the next 20 years.

Tesla App

With the Tesla App (iOS or Android) you can access and Monitor Power Production and other Information from Anywhere, including your Tesla Vehicle.

System Completions

Tesla Roof System is Produced and Marketed through Tesla Energy a Part of Tesla Inc. It is difficult to say how much Energy, World Wide is being Produced by the Tesla Roof System, the Company has stated that Roof System Completions is over 400,000.

Roof Panels

The Tesla Roof Panel a Monocrystalline Cell Rated at 71.67 Watts per Panel Section Approximately 45" by 16". The Tesla Roof Panels come Active and Inactive so not Every Panel will Produce Energy. The Inactive Panels are used where they need to be cut to fit corners and around Pipes and Vents.

The Tesla Roof System Can sometimes be installed over existing roof - Not Shack (Wood), Tin and some other Materials. over Newer Comp Shingles is Possible.

Finished Look

The Finished look of the Tesla Roof Solar System is available in 4 Styles extruded Glass Tile, Slate Glass Tile, Tuscan Glass Tile, and Smooth Glass Tile. Tesla Roof System has a Finished Look that will be Different maybe a little more Sleek or upscale.


Tesla Energy Does Not Require Routine Maintenance However they do Suggest Cleaning by a Professional Cleaning Service. Most would not think about Cleaning the Roof like you clean the Driveway but it also gets Dirty. Tesla Roof Solar like any other Solar Panel should be cleaned to Maintain System Performance. This is a Link to Tesla Support, Understanding System Performance and Maintenance check it out. Link


Power Outage

Your Solar System will Shut Down Production when Power from the Grid is Interrupted. Unless your System is Designed with a Mechanism to Exclude the Grid you can Not use the Solar Energy. In the Case of The Tesla Roof System without Battery Backup it will be the Same Procedure.

If you have the Powerwall+ 6"x30"x48", which includes The Battery Pack you will have a Seamless Transfer to Battery Use for Limited Power during the Outage or until the Batteries Discharge below useful Output.

For More Information on the Powerwall+ go to our Earlier Tesla Solar Post Describing The Powerwall+ Link


You can order your System on line, go to you fill in the Blanks then you will be contacted by a Tesla Representative. It is possible that you will not get a System in the near Future. Like every other Manufacture the Supply of needed materials has slowed their Production. click this Link to Tesla Website

Customer Service

As for Customer Service I am not sure how Ideal their CS is, I have read many Stories of Great Service and an Equal number of the Opposite. Customer Service and backing a Product is very Important to most of us, so do your own Research or Call Tesla CS and get a feel for it before you commit.

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The harness of Waterfalls is the most Economical method known for Drawing Energy from the Sun
— Nikola Tesla, 7-10-1856 - 1-7-1943
Inventor, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, & Futurist. Best known for his Belief in Alternating Current.

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